Nanophysics meets Computer Simulations

8 November 2024

Lviv, Ukraine


On 8 November 2024, the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics (ICMP) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) hosted the 1st Annual Conference on the Use of Computer Simulations in Nanophysics ‘Nanophysics meets computer simulations’.

The conference was attended by researchers from Ukraine (ICMP, Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of NASU, Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of NASU, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NASU, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv), Switzerland (Swiss Federal Laboratory of Materials Science and Technology and Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), France (The École normale supérieure, Paris and University of Lorraine, Nancy) and the USA (University of Georgia, Athens).

The reports presented new achievements in the field of nanophysics and computer modelling of nanosystems. In particular, the experimental results of the study of quantum dots based on metal-halide perovskites (structural, exciton-phonon characteristics) for modern optical applications, studies of carbon nanotubes, zinc oxide nanostructures, materials for green energy, nickel-based nanomaterials for hydrogen energy, etc. were presented. A number of reports were devoted to the use of computer modelling methods in the study of electronic, structural and dynamic properties of nanosystems. Reports were presented on calculations of the electronic structure of nanoribbons and molecules adsorbed on the surface of solids, computer atomistic modelling of the equilibrium shape and surface structure of quantum dots, adsorption of lipoproteins on polymers, etc.

Organised by

The Institute of Condensed Matter Physics in cooperation with the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and the Volkswagen Foundation

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