Asmati Chibalashvili

Fellow 2023/2024

Art, Cultural Studies

Modern Art Research Institute of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Open Society University Network/CEU Institute of Advanced Study, Budapest-Ukraine


Deputy Director of Scientific Affairs, Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine; Associate Professor at the Kyiv National P.I. Tchaikovsky Music Academy; Member of the Ukrainian Composers’ Union.
She was born in 1986 in Telavi, Georgia. Since 1994, she has lived in Ukraine. She graduated from the Odesa State Music Academy A. V. Nezhdanova with Professor K. Tsepkolenko in 2006 and has completed her postgraduate studies at the Kyiv National P.I. Tchaikovsky Music Academy with Professor Ye. Stankovych in 2010.

She was granted support by the Odesa Department of the All-Ukrainian Cultural Foundation as a young composer from 1995 to 1998. Sh e was awarded a diploma by the Ambassador of Georgia to Ukraine for promoting Georgian art in Ukraine and for developing Ukrainian-Georgian relations (Kyiv, 2002). She is the winner of the International Competition of Young Composers "Gradus ad Parnassum" (1st prize, Kyiv, 2016) and was awarded a Silver Medal from the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine for creative achievements (2021); An Acknowledgment from the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for prolific creative work, significant contributions to the development of national contemporary art history, cinematography, and architecture, and active support in the development of spiritual culture (2022).

Her music works have been performed at international festivals such as Two Days and Two Nights of New Music (Odesa, Ukraine), Kyiv Music Fest (Kyiv, Ukraine), Music Marine Fest (Odesa, Ukraine), Season Premiere (Kyiv, Ukraine), International Youth Music Forum (Kyiv, Ukraine), Music Tribune of Kyiv's Youth (Kyiv, Ukraine), Young Composers of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine), GOGOLFEST (Kyiv, Ukraine), Days of New Music (Kharkiv, Ukraine); Contrasts (Lviv, Ukraine), Nordic Saxophone Festival (Aarhus, Denmark), World New Music Days ISCM (Vancouver, Canada), etc.

Posthumanist Tendencies in the Art of the XX-XXI Centuries

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