Kateryna Mishchenko

Fellow 2023/2024


National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin



Kateryna Mishchenko, born in 1984 in Poltava, Ukraine, is an essayist, translator and publisher. She has worked as an interpreter in the human rights and co-founded the magazine for literature, art and social criticism "Prostory". Her essays have appeared in international magazines, anthologies and as a book: "Ukrainische Nacht/Ukrainian Night/Ukrajinska nitsch" (2015). Together with Katharina Raabe, she is the editor of "Aus dem Nebel des War: The Present of Ukraine" (Suhrkamp, 2023). She is working now as a Ukraine consultant at the project group Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the German Federal Agency for Civic Education. Currently she is a Berlin Fellow at the newly founded Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study.

Publication of the anthology "Common Horizon” (Gemeinsamer Horizont)

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